Final Fantasy 7 Review

The long awaited Final Fantasy 7 remake that no one actually believed will be ever made came through, and oh boy did it slay all my doubts about this game! Square Enix absolutely dropped the bomb from writing to world design and interaction with said world! I mean, the detail that is in this gameContinue reading “Final Fantasy 7 Review”

RE3: Nemesis Review

Resident Evil 3 has an extremely detailed and quite frankly gorgeous world! The zombies look absolutely disgusting in the most beautiful way, Raccoon City even though infested with the dead, never felt this alive, with blazing fire, reflecting on walls and cars, shadows of objects distorted by the debris scattered around everywhere. It really isContinue reading “RE3: Nemesis Review”

Bethesda’s Fall – Analysis

We all know Bethesda Game Studios have not been living its most glorious days in the past years. The downhill slope pretty much started with the Release of Fallout 4, where fans started to question the miss advertising and the major graphical downgrade, that was predicted way before the release of the game due toContinue reading “Bethesda’s Fall – Analysis”

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